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Read our policy statement regarding COVID-19

DSquared Team Members

David Haggerty

David Haggerty

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Meg Haggerty

Meg Haggerty

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Reed Haggerty

Reed Haggerty

chief operating officer
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Darren Nicholas

Darren Nicholas

General Manager of Special Projects
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David Sherrill

David Sherrill

culinary director
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Matt Haggerty

Matt Haggerty

Creative Director
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Carol Madaio

Carol Madaio

Office Manager & Payroll
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Karna Leinbach

Karna Leinbach

HR & Staffing Manager
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Desiree Jones

Desiree Jones

Social Media Manager
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Emily Schiller

Emily Schiller

director of sales, Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes
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Nick Webber

Nick Webber

Executive Chef, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Brideen Baker

Brideen Baker

Pastry Chef, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Ashley Durant

Ashley Durant

Executive Sous Chef, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Kevin Ledbetter

Kevin Ledbetter

B.O.H. operations Manager, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Adam Purkey

Adam Purkey

Business Development & Event Manager, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Libby Williamson

Libby Williamson

Event Manager, Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes
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Ragy Selim

Ragy Selim

Assistant operations manager, benaroya hall
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Michelle Nguyen

Michelle Nguyen

Event Producer, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Ted Snow

Ted Snow

general manager, t-mobile
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Heather Munson

Heather Munson

operations manager, russell investments center
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Daniel Loviska

Daniel Loviska

chef de cuisine, muse & davids and co
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Isa Todd

Isa Todd

Event Manager, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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assistant general manager, market hall
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Kiana Daley

Kiana Daley

Event Concierge, tuxedos and tennis shoes
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Scott Adams

Scott Adams

chef de cuisine, t-mobile
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Suzanne Parcells

Suzanne Parcells

executive sous chef, t-mobile
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Maycee Barojas

Maycee Barojas

hr assistant, market hall at t-mobile
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