DSquared Wellness Wednesday

Deep Breathing Exercise - Box Breathing

1 Minute to Practice
Follow this one minute video to help break up your work day while you're siting at your desk.

Let’s pause right now and practice.  Breathe deeply through your nose, take in as much as you can.  Now release, sighing out through your mouth. Focus on completely emptying your lungs, to prepare to receive maximum fresh oxygen with your next inhale.

For variation, let the exhale be just a second or two longer than the inhale.  This allows the vagus nerve, that runs from the neck down through the diaphragm, to send a signal to your brain to turn up your parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation) and turndown your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).  

A pause can be as simple as three focused nasal breaths or you may find that your body wants to exhale with more force through the mouth, really sending that out.

To get started in the art of pause follow your inhale and exhale with a count.  Relax every part of your being, including your shoulders, as you Inhale 4,3,2,1, Hold 4,3,2,1 Exhale 4, 3, 2, 1, Hold 4,3,2,1. . . . repeat three times.*

Set reminder timers to Pause throughout your day and take three breaths with mental counting. Or follow this one minute video to help break up your work day while you're siting at your desk.

🙏 💖 🌱